Today, I want to talk about something that can get very emotional for people, and I want to do it here, because I feel like when I try to have this conversation in person, not much listening happens. I want to talk about the Catholic view of gay marriage. The Catholic view of gay marriage is not one based out of hate or exclusion, like many people judge it to be, but it is a very difficult position to defend, because so many people want to start yelling and defending their own views before they listen to the whole story. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to make a deal with you. I will give you full disclosure about what I think of gay marriage if you promise to read the whole thing through without getting upset and telling me how wrong I am until you get to the end of this post. Can we do that? Great, Thanks! So, why doesn't the Catholic Church allow for gay marriage? They're all about love aren't they? Well, yes, the Church is all about love, but not just any k...
Just an amateur Oklahoma Catholic sharing thoughts rooted in her faith worldview