One of the main players in the Incarnation story is Mary, Mother of God. Despite the key roll she played in bringing Jesus to us, devotion to the Blessed Mother is a contested subject between Protestants and Catholics. Protestants often see devotion to Mary as a form of worship and accuse Catholics of idolatry. Catholics would certainly be guilty of idolatry if devotion to Mary was in fact worship, but the truth is devotions to Our Lady are not acts of worship but acts of respect towards the woman who allowed herself to be used in God's plan for the salvation of the world. It might be confusing and difficult to separate worship of God and devotion to Mary, so I hope to bring some light to the conversation that might foster understanding between Christians. Let's start with devotion to saints in general. What's the deal with Catholics always asking different saints for their intercession about different things? First, we have to understand who a saint is, and then we can b...
Just an amateur Oklahoma Catholic sharing thoughts rooted in her faith worldview